Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Getting Started...

We'll call this the start of my journey...I have made a decision to make my life healthier.  I don't like the way I look in my uniform right now...it doesn't really fit.  It's a workout getting my duty belt on right now.  It's either this or move the duty belt another notch (NOOOO!).  Also, I find myself a little out of breath, when I really shouldn't be.  I don't feel like I can be an effective cop like this.

Please join me as I try to become a healthier and better cop.  If you have any suggestions or comments for me along the way, please share them.  I will be sharing with you my progress, my milestones and my blunders.

First step: Find a health club.  One that suits my needs and is affordable.
Also, I ate a salad today! lol

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